Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jay Leno's Waterloo Defeat: Conan O'Brien's Victory

Jay Leno was the Napoleon of late night TV entertainment, that conquered the late night hour. Then like Napoleon in Russia and the Waterloo battle, Leno attempted to compete in unfamiliar territory against popular prime time shows, by draining his resources dry. Audiences love their drama programs for supper, and maybe an occasional late night talk show snack. The late night news was no match for Jay's entertainment program, especially when his show is more upbeat and positive than the news. Besides, after the half hour news, viewers could still catch a glimpse of Leno, which by this time the celebrities would be appearing.

This is a classic cliche' case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time for Leno show. Fans may like Leno show, but not when he forces them with an ultimatum to watch his show or the competitor's. This is testing the viewers love, to say its either me or your friends, now who are you going to choose? Normally, the friend will be the winning choice, because it's all about sharing time and giving space. Audiences grew attached to their prime time shows, as if it was having a card game or beer with a buddy. They needed that hanging out with the pal moment, until it was time to settle down at home with that late night love.

Whether we like it or not, meet the new Emperor of late night, and the new generation of creative format talk shows, Conan O'Brien. Conan will do what Oprah did to Phil Donahue. New, fresh, different and vibrant. Oprah grew slowly as O'Brien is doing. Leno and Donahue were predictable and dried up.

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